San Salvo, Italy, 2009. A Russion national Elena Basova (50) has been arrested on charges of attempted murder and grievous bodily harm. The victim was her Italian husband O.I. (78). Basova had come to Italy to work as a nurse. There she met the victim, described by his contacts as "vigorous and active old man", and then they got married in 2008. After getting married they moved into a new lodging where the man, being isolated from his usual circle of friends and neighbours, became the victim of all types of abuses: he was beaten, humiliated and his Russian wife even came to torture him with burning cigarettes.
Finally, when the man became starved and unable to move Basova opened the gas taps and left the house. Fortunately, the new neighbours had grown suspicious of this couple. One of them came closer to the lodging and heard the man`s groaning. The police were called in. When the agents broke in the house they found the semiconscious victim in squalid conditions. Elena Basova was detained and her husband was taken to the hospital. She denied the charges, saying that the opened gas taps was not her fault and she had no plans to kill the husband. Nevertheless, later she was sentenced to 3,5 years in prison.
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