Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2015. A Russian woman Dina Sysoeva (37) will be put on trial being accused of murdering her 51-year-old French husband Christophe Sion in 2013. The couple met in 2008 on a plane. The man was considered relatively wealthy because he had received a good deal of specialties as inheritance. The Russian woman couldn`t miss this chance and soon after the first encounter they started to go out. Sion bought a car and flat for his new girlfriend. In 2009 Sysoeva gave birth to their daughter and the couple decided to tight the knot.
The marriage seemed to be a little strange as if Sysoeva was ashamed of her husband - she never presented him to her friends and things of this nature. Perhaps because he was significantly older and not good-looking at all. Some conflicts had been arising over time and after two years of marriage Sion left their conjugal home and settled alone. At the same time his Russian wife had affairs but Sion didn`t know anything and continued paying 2 500 euros per month to his estranged family.
Nobody knows exactly why Sysoeva decided to kill him. Probably, Sion was fed up with this marriage and announced the divorce. Probably, 2 500 euro per month wasn`t enough any longer or Sysoeva got a new lover...Nonetheless, in August of 2013 in their Saint Petersburg flat Dina Sysoeva hit Christophe Sion in the head with a metal stick. The man died shortly after on the spot. As it was established later, Sysoeva had lived with the body during 1 week: firstly, she was unable to carry it away by herself - she called her father and asked him to come to help her get rid of the corpse; secondly, she was busy forging financial documents to withdraw as much as possible from her killed husband`s bank accounts.
When her father finally came to Saint Petersburg from another town, they took the corpse to the remote Pskov forests where they dismembered, burnt and buried the body. Everything was fine - nobody saw them. Within 3 months Sysoeva withdrew 100 000 euro from Sion`s accounts and even flew to Nice (France) to visit her new lover. When asked about Sion by his contacts, Sysoeva answered that he had gone on a business trip.
The relatives of Christophe Sion grew very concerned and went to the police in September of 2013. The Sion`s sister Barbara worried by his disappearance and lack of communication decided that the couple was abducted. The inquest was launched but when the police came to the Sysoeva`s home she just repeated that her husband had gone on a business trip to Luxembourg. Then the woman started to withdraw and splash out her husband`s money although later the Sion`s signature on the bank documents was proved to be fake. At the same time it emerged that Sion hadn`t crossed Russian borders during the specified period of time, so the initial version of his wife became questionable. But due to the fact that Christophe Sion - dead or alive - was missing the only charge applicable in such circumstances was one of falsifying bank documents.
In November of 2014 the police came again to the Sysoeva`s home. This time to ransack the flat scrupulously. The result was promising - blood stains were found in the subfloor. But the body was still missing. After questioning Sysoeva`s contacts the investigators learnt that about 1 year ago she had gone with some friends who were heading to the Pscov forests to spend some time in nature. It might be a possible location of the corpse but the area was too great. Then the investigators in Saint Petersburg asked their Pscov colleagues whether they had found dead bodies in that area last year. The answer came very quickly - yes, the burnt rests of an unknown man had been found within indicated time interval. The further forensic analysis confirmed the identity of the rests. Dina Sysoeva was arrested and charged with the murder of Christophe Sion. She pleads not guilty. The investigation has recently been completed and the trial will take place soon. kp.ru.
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